Palestrante e/ou Coordenador
Aquele que faz história no TDC

Felipe Teixeira

Felipe Teixeira
Skina - OLX

I am a polyglot software engineer , with longer experience with Java, CloudComputing, Design Partterns, Frameworks in general,Android, JS and start recentily to code Golang and this is a amazing language . I have experience in leading teams, Coordination, Developer /Enginner Android , Development of Software Architecture, Risk Analysis, requirements gathering, Posing Risk Analysis, Project Management, Entrepreneurship.

Palestras deste(a) palestrante

Evento Trilha Data Palestra
TDC 2017 Porto Alegre TRILHA GOLANG 11/11/2017 Utilizando Golang para minerar moedas como o Bitcoin
TDC 2014 São Paulo TRILHA ANDROID 06/08/2014 Integrando com Android