Quem faz história no TDC

Tiago César Katcipis

Tiago César Katcipis

I'm a programmer interested on all aspects of the activity to write good programs. This includes languages, how to design properly, how to express concurrency properly, etc. The main two areas that I worked are distributed and embedded systems, I'm very interested on architectural styles for distributed systems, from design and abstractions to integrate services to how to obtain visibility from the system.

Palestras deste(a) palestrante

Evento Trilha Data Palestra
TDC 2018 Florianópolis TRILHA GOLANG 21/04/2018 Object Orientation in Go
TDC 2016 Florianópolis TRILHA DEVOPS 12/05/2016 Real life Kubernetes
TDC 2015 Florianópolis TRILHA DEVOPS 13/05/2015 Um novo paradigma para infra estrutura de desenvolvimento com Docker Compose.