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Emily Jiang

Emily Jiang

Emily Jiang is a Java Champion. She is Liberty Cloud Native Architect and Chief Advocate, Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM) @IBM, based at Hursley Lab in the UK. Emily is MicroProfile guru and has been working on MicroProfile since 2016 and leads the specifications of MicroProfile Config, Fault Tolerance and Service Mesh. She is a CDI Expert Group member.

She is passionate about Java, MicroProfile, and Jakarta EE. She regularly speaks at conferences, such as QCon, Code One, Devoxx, DevNexus, JAX, Voxxed, EclipseCon, GeeCon, JFokus, etc. You can find her on Twitter @emilyfhjiang and LinkedIn (

Palestras deste(a) palestrante

Evento Trilha Data Palestra
TDC 2021 CONNECTIONS TRILHA APIS E MICROSERVICES INTERNACIONAL 10/06/2021 Live coding: Configuring your cloud-native applications with MicroProfile Config
TDC 2021 CONNECTIONS TRILHA APIS E MICROSERVICES INTERNACIONAL 08/10/2029 Microservices is not a Silver Bullet: Let's explore its Benefits and Challenges!