Quem faz história no TDC

Eric Magalhães

Eric Magalhães

I have a strong background as a Systems Engineer for both Windows and Linux systems with some limited experiences with Software Development along the years. I'm lazy by nature and passionate about automation and anything that can make my job painless, therefore getting interested in topics like coding, configuration management, containers, CI/CD and cloud computing went from a hobby to an obsession. Currently, I work as a DevOps Evangelist at JobScore, where I'm architecting AWS infrastructures, taking care of infrastructure operations, developing pieces of automation, and helping build and spread the DevOps culture within the company.

Palestras deste(a) palestrante

Evento Trilha Data Palestra
TDC 2018 Florianópolis TRILHA RUBY 21/04/2018 Como turbinamos nossa sua suíte de testes Rails em mais de 600%
TDC 2018 Florianópolis TRILHA CARREIRA INTEL 19/04/2018 Acordar, planejar, trabalhar, repetir
TDC 2017 São Paulo TRILHA INFRAESTRUTURA ÁGIL 21/07/2017 Entrega contínua de imagens de máquina com Ansible, Packer e Jenkins