Quem faz história no TDC

Ilya Brotzky

Ilya Brotzky

100+ jobs hiring from abroad: https://app.vanhack.com/ 150k+ Developer job hunting: https://app.vanhack.com/talent VanHack is the fastest way to hire tech talent. We help companies like Accenture, Booking.com & ZenDesk hire their hardest to fill roles. Hiring? Check out www.vanhack.com/employers or book a call: calendly.com/ilyavanhack

Palestras deste(a) palestrante

Evento Trilha Data Palestra
TDC 2019 Florianópolis TRILHA CARREIRAS E MENTORIA QUINTA 25/04/2019 Como criar um perfil internacional de destaque para conquista de um emprego no exterior