08:00 às 09:00
Credenciamento e recepção dos participantes com café da manhã simples
09:00 às 10:00
10:10 às 11:00
[conteúdo da trilha inicia às 14:10h]
[conteúdo da trilha inicia às 14:10h]
[conteúdo da trilha inicia às 14:10h]
11:10 às 12:00
[conteúdo da trilha inicia às 14:10h]
[conteúdo da trilha inicia às 14:10h]
[conteúdo da trilha inicia às 14:10h]
12:00 às 13:00
Intervalo para almoço*
13:10 às 14:00
[conteúdo da trilha inicia às 14:10h]
[conteúdo da trilha inicia às 14:10h]
[conteúdo da trilha inicia às 14:10h]
14:10 às 15:00
Pragmatic Software Freedom
Pragmatic Software Freedom
Simon Phipps
In 1998, free software was a popular idea among its community of advocates, but was not widely used by businesses. 15 years later, businesses actively distribute it as well as using it throughout their operations. What changed? Recognising that corporations don't respond to ethical arguments, the global software freedom community gained a controversial new approach -- the term "open source" -- that focussed on licenses and practical flexibility as the main messages. The same approach still works, and you can use it to help your employer or startup become a positive force in spreading software freedom. Hear how at this talk by OSI President Simon Phipps.
Simon Phipps
15:00 às 15:30
Coffee-break & networking
15:40 às 16:30
We are Legion: Decentralizing the Web
We are Legion: Decentralizing the Web
Deb Nicholson
The web functions best when users have control over their data and many choices for services. Today's web is increasingly in the hands of just a few companies, that are too large to be accountable to individual users. How can we restore freedom, privacy and choice to the web?
"Software as a service" platforms enable users to carry around small devices and access huge volumes of information. At the same time, it presents challenges for collective privacy, a full diversity of viewpoints and customized online identities. Large service providers are less responsive to users until a significant percentage of their users are all clamoring for the same type of change. What are the options for customizing your web interactions without mobilizing an entire user community? Decentralized or federated services are gaining popularity as the answer for users concerned about the one-size-fits-all web.
Decentralization could allow us to create a more empowering many-to-many web as a viable alternative to the default one-to-many relationship many providers offer. More work on federation will allow smaller hosts of many different services to interact easily with each other. Many of the recent problems incurred by limited choices for web services have antecedents in historical monopolies. I'll discuss current alternatives, near to ready projects (like GNU MediaGoblin) and the services we might want to start thinking about building. There is significant work to be done on both the technical and social aspects of federation and many opportunities to get involved.
Deb Nicholson
16:40 às 17:30
Software Patents: A Developer Response
Software Patents: A Developer Response
Simon Phipps /
Deb Nicholson
Software patents are a big problem for developers. In countries where they are valid, you can unexpectedly discover you have infringed patents and face legal threats from both big corporations and from ethically suspect companies set up purely to demand money with patents - "patent trolls". Even in countries where software patents are not granted, risk remains both from international use of your software and in the event you succeed and want to do business in the USA. Using a Brazilian startup as an example we explain possible solutions.
Simon Phipps
Deb Nicholson
17:40 às 18:30
Contribuindo para Projetos Open Source
Contribuindo para Projetos Open Source
Bruno Souza /
Mauricio "Maltron" Leal
Com toda a discussão sobre software livre e open source, ainda existem muitas dúvidas do desenvolvedor em como participar, contribuir e se beneficiar desses softwares e projetos. Essa palestra irá discutir estratédias pragmáticas que desenvolvedores e empresas podem adotar para de fato participar e obter resultados concretos com software livre e open source.
Bruno Souza
Mauricio "Maltron" Leal
18:40 às 19:00
Encerramento e sorteios
* Esta trilha é gratuita e não terá almoço incluso
Obs.: Grade sujeita a alteração
Simon Phipps is the President of the Open Source Initiative, the global steward of the Open Source Definition. OSI serves to advocate for, educate about and build bridges within the open source community. A Fellow of the British Computer Society, his career has included early engagement in establishing Java, XML and weblogs as computer industry technologies as well as contributions to open standards in a variety of fields. As chief open source officer at Sun Microsystems he supervised the open source relicensing of Solaris Unix, Java and many other software systems. He is currently founder and CEO of Meshed Insights Ltd, a UK firm offering management services related to open source and digital rights.
Bruno helps professional Java developers to share their passion so they can grow in their careers and work on amazing projects. Bruno wants every developer in the world to work with other great developers, in life-changing projects. For that he is on a personal crusade to connect developers and communities to their passions, to eliminate boring, low paying work.
Bruno helps professional Java developers to share their passion so they can grow in their careers and work on amazing projects. Bruno wants every developer in the world to work with other great developers, in life-changing projects. For that he is on a personal crusade to connect developers and communities to their passions, to eliminate boring, low paying work.
Deb Nicholson works at the intersection of technology and social justice. She is the Community Outreach Director at the Open Invention Network and the Community Manager at GNU MediaGoblin. She also serves on the board at Open Hatch, a non-profit dedicated to matching prospective free software contributors with communities, tools and education. She lives in the United States in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Mauricio Leal (também conhecido como Maltron) é Arquiteto de Soluções para JBoss na Red Hat e possui mais de 15 anos de experiência em tecnologias Open Source, ambientes de Alta Disponibilidade e Software de Tecnologias Móveis. Antes da Red Hat, trabalhou na Sun Microsystems (mais tarde adquirida pela Oracle) como Gerente de Programas para Desenvolvedores para toda a comunidade de Java no Brasil. Ao longo de sua carreira, obteve grandes experiências e resultados trabalhando junto com empresas de Mídia, Telecom e cooperando em projetos Governamentais em todo mercado Latino Americano. Maltron já trabalhou em outros mercados de alta tecnologia em países como a Alemanha, França e Irlanda e sempre esta procurando forma de promover Open Source não importa onde ele vai.
Simon Phipps is the President of the Open Source Initiative, the global steward of the Open Source Definition. OSI serves to advocate for, educate about and build bridges within the open source community. A Fellow of the British Computer Society, his career has included early engagement in establishing Java, XML and weblogs as computer industry technologies as well as contributions to open standards in a variety of fields. As chief open source officer at Sun Microsystems he supervised the open source relicensing of Solaris Unix, Java and many other software systems. He is currently founder and CEO of Meshed Insights Ltd, a UK firm offering management services related to open source and digital rights.