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Leonardo Iacovini

Leonardo Iacovini

Computer Engineer by POLI-USP. Working as a Software Engineer at Nubank since 2016, with a great interest in Distributed Systems and Software Architecture, helped Nubank to scale to 20MM customers and is constantly working to launch new products and improving existing ones

Palestras deste(a) palestrante

Evento Trilha Data Palestra
TDC 2020 Belo Horizonte TRILHA MICROSERVICES 06/11/2020 Microservices, Event Sourcing e CQRS: como o Nubank empresta dinheiro de maneira escalável
TDC 2020 Belo Horizonte TRILHA ARQUITETURA 05/11/2020 Microservices, Event Sourcing e CQRS: como o Nubank empresta dinheiro de maneira escalável