Evolving to survive

The world is changing faster than we ever imagined in the last few years. Most of us were conducting agile transformations in our environments, but the new scenarios demanded us to move faster. In this new world, where we need to keep teams working remotely, to keep them energized, to keep them delivering new features as we never needed before, how to do that without leaving the agile way of doing? How to adapt when not just mean evolution, but in many cases, survival? Come and tell your surviving story, your success case (or your lessons learned from failure) and share this new knowledge with the rest of the world!

Data e Local

Terça-feira, 30 de Novembro de 2021

09h às 19h GMT-3



Para brasileiros, em R$:
1 trilha: de R$ 145 por R$ 110
2 trilhas: de R$ 290 por R$ 198
3 trilhas: de R$ 435 por R$ 285
* preço válido até 11/10, veja tabela completa

Para brasileiros, em R$:
1 trilha: de R$ 145 por R$ 130
2 trilhas: de R$ 290 por R$ 230
3 trilhas: de R$ 435 por R$ 330
* preço válido até 12/11, veja tabela completa

Para brasileiros, em R$:
1 trilha: R$ 145
2 trilhas: de R$ 290 por R$ 260
3 trilhas: de R$ 435 por R$ 370
* preço válido até 02/12, veja tabela completa

Para estrangeiros, em US$:
1 trilha: $30 por $20 USD
Connect Pass: $80 por $60 USD
* preço válido até 11/10

Para estrangeiros, em US$:
1 trilha: $30 por $25 USD
Connect Pass: $80 por $70 USD
* preço válido até 12/11

Para estrangeiros, em US$:
1 trilha: $30 USD
Connect Pass: $60 USD
* preço válido até 02/12

Como se inscrever

Programação / Palestras Time Zone: GMT-3

Horário Conteúdo
10:15 às 10:45 (GMT-3)
13:15 às 13:45 (GMT)

TDC Opening

Welcome Session - International Edition
10:50 às 11:25 (GMT-3)
13:50 às 14:25 (GMT)

Principles of effective developers

Sebastian Daschner Daschner

Who doesn?t want to work more effectively, to work smarter, and get more done? We want to focus on what adds value, increase our development speed, and cut out all the cumbersome, boring and repetitive tasks as possible.

This session shows principles how to accomplish the goal of being more effective and efficient as developer. We?ll see how to automate the boring parts of our job, what big and small tips and tricks help us, which mindsets to follow, why we have the best job ever, and how to enjoy our work even more. This hopefully entertaining talk is not limited to specific tools or technologies, yet it?ll provide examples and experiences, and it is brought to you by a German???from the country of efficiency :-)

11:30 às 12:05 (GMT-3)
14:30 às 15:05 (GMT)

The Power of Performance Feedback

Amber Vanderburg

How do we give effective feedback for maximum impact? Attendees will learn frameworks to give quality feedback, adjusted approaches to delivering sensitive and challenging feedback, and how to utilize the data from feedback for maximum impact and performance improvement.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will: -Utilize tools that can guide corrective, coaching, and reinforcing feedback conversations to improve performance. -Learn how to effectively and proactively address unmet performance expectations. -Learn how to use the data from performance feedback to strategically improve individual and team performance.

12:10 às 12:45 (GMT-3)
15:10 às 15:45 (GMT)

Sorry, I cannot hear you over my awesomeness ? How being a hero erodes trust

Tim Dickey

Does your team have ?trust issues?? Heroes, anti-heroes, and invisible people are three, common team member types which may set a team up for more ?learning? than it is prepared to accept. Tim will share his stories about teams he has been part of where the heroes did the heavy lifting, and most members were the supporting cast. As well, he will suggest some points for helping the leader and team influence hero behavior to the benefit of the team.

12:50 às 13:50 (GMT-3)
15:50 às 16:50 (GMT)
Networking e Visitação a Stands

Intervalo para fazer networking e conhecer os estandes do evento.

14:00 às 14:05 (GMT-3)
17:00 às 17:05 (GMT)
Abertura da trilha pela coordenação

Aqui os coordenadores se apresentam e fazem uma introdução para a trilha.

14:10 às 14:45 (GMT-3)
17:10 às 17:45 (GMT)

A talk about Agile without saying a word about Agile

Daniel Wildt

Let's have a conversation about Agile without using any direct reference from Agile Methodologies. :)

How do you improve things? How do you document? How do you prepare a team to innovation? How can you search for better quality? How do you discover things? How can you keep delivering?

I will go back to different principles, related to Deming's management points, Donella Meadows Systems Leverage Points, Lean Thinking Seven Wastes and Knowledge Management references from Nonaka and Takeuchi. And a few more (surprise). :D

If you are improving the system, things should become easier

14:50 às 16:05 (GMT-3)
17:50 às 19:05 (GMT)

What should Agile look like?

Juliano Ribeiro / Octavio Cardoso / Camila Capellão
Digital panel for this track: Come and discuss current agile best practices and/or your vision of the future of agile practices, tools, technologies, and impacts on software and business.
16:10 às 16:25 (GMT-3)
19:10 às 19:25 (GMT)
Networking e Visitação a Stands

Intervalo para fazer networking e conhecer os estandes do evento.

16:25 às 17:00 (GMT-3)
19:25 às 20:00 (GMT)

Legacy Code Workout

Scott Wierschem

You have to modify a legacy application, but you don't even know where to start. Imagine joining a pickup basketball game after playing HORSE a few times at home. It's crazy! No, you need to get in shape! But how do you exercise for computer work? I'll show you a few workout routines to get you ripped! (technically) Let's do this thing!

17:05 às 17:40 (GMT-3)
20:05 às 20:40 (GMT)

Unlock the full potential of your Refinement

Derk-Jan de Grood

Good refinement makes development more predictable, leads to better solutions and enables the Product Owner to set the right priorities. Still many teams fail to unlock the full potential of refinement. Join this session to get practical tips to get more out of your refinement sessions.

17:45 às 18:20 (GMT-3)
20:45 às 21:20 (GMT)

How Lean and Agile connect: a story of people transformation in HR.


I want to challenge the status quo about the connection between the Lean and Agile world within the Human Resources area. Through a very practical case and applicable tools, I will tell you how I went through a challenging journey, full of ups and downs, setbacks and barriers. In this lecture, you will be provoked to think differently and will come out with tools to put agility into practice in your day-to-day.

18:25 às 18:45 (GMT-3)
21:25 às 21:45 (GMT)

Após a apresentação de resultados do dia, no palco da Stadium, muitos sorteios fecharão o dia.

Programação sujeita a alterações
áudio somente em inglês Time Zone: GMT-3


Apoio Mídia

Apoio Institucional

Apoio Trilha
