Não deu para esperar

Venha começar o TDC Future mais cedo com Música e um Keynote Especial de Mary and Tom Poppendieck falando sobre o Futuro da tecnologia, além de alguns lighting talks sobre o tema!

Para participar, inscreva-se gratuitamente no TDC e compareça dia 29/11 às 19h!

Esperamos por você!


Segunda-feira, 29 de Novembro de 2021

19 às 22 h (somente ao vivo)


Como funciona o Basic Pass


19:00 às 19:30 (GMT-3) Banda

Começando o TDC Future com muita música boa

19:30 às 19:40 (GMT-3) Abertura

Yara Mascarenhas / Julio Matos / Bruno Souza

19:40 às 20:50 (GMT-3) The Three Rs of the 2020s: Remote, Resilient and Responsible

Mary Poppendieck / Tom Poppendieck
The stage was set in March of 2020. Around the world, schools, workplaces, even health care facilities replaced face-to-face communication with remote interactions. It took about a week to accomplish what normally would have taken years. Today the technology to collaborate, educate and provide health care anytime, anywhere has become routine, opening access to many who were previously excluded. In the next decade, technology that drives inclusion - equal access to opportunities and resources - will continue to thrive. As work became remote, the infrastructure that drove our economy evolved from highways to broadband. Fortunately, our internet systems were designed to be resilient and could absorb the spike in demand, even as 'efficient' supply chains collapsed, and capacity-optimized medical systems became overloaded. In the next decade, technology will lead the way in enabling resilient systems that handle constant change and unexpected Black Swan events. Resilient systems are built on three legs: isolation (limited blast radius), duplication (redundancy) and decentralization (local responsibility). The idea that centralization reduces resilience is counterintuitive in many domains but is widely understood in military doctrine. Over the next decade, the rapid growth of effective, decentralized technology services will pave the way for focused leaders and their teams to bypass proxies and assume direct responsibility for outcomes.

20:50 às 21:30 (GMT-3) Mini Keynotes

Encerramento com 3 convidados especiais

Grade sujeita a alterações


Apoio Mídia

Apoio Institucional

Apoio Trilha
