Enhancing diversity, inclusion and accessibility in every aspect of technology

As human beings, it's our responsibility to respect, protect and connect people around the world, no matter how far we'd have to go and how different they might be. In order to do that we call upon you to share your experiences, stories and innovations about accessibility, diversity and inclusion and bring us all together as a single family so we can build a better, greater and more advanced future. By combining technology with our humanity, we can tap into our collective talents and create a brave new world.

This is a space for you to become empowered, gain perspective, share experience, raise awareness, change attitudes and advance best practices for diversity and accessibility. For humanity

Data e Local

Quinta-feira, 2 de Dezembro de 2021

09h às 19h GMT-3



Basic Pass

Programação / Palestras Time Zone: GMT-3

Horário Conteúdo
10:15 às 10:45 (GMT-3)
13:15 às 13:45 (GMT)

TDC Opening

Welcome Session - International Edition
10:50 às 11:25 (GMT-3)
13:50 às 14:25 (GMT)

How safety can take us from diversity to inclusion

Gitte Klitgaard

Our industry has been discussing diversity for many years and yet made little progress. <br> We still have very homogenous teams and companies - perhaps because we forget that diversity is not enough; we need inclusion as well. Without inclusion, people do not feel they belong and we do not harvest the benefits of diversity in the companies. <br>

Psychological safety has proven to be a significant factor in high performing teams and it has the benefit of also taking us from diversity to inclusion, when it works. <br>

In this talk I will explaing what psychological safety is and why it is so essential for good workplaces - now and in the future.

11:30 às 12:05 (GMT-3)
14:30 às 15:05 (GMT)

The challenges of a leader in this new brave world

Felipe Eduardo de Carvalho Oliveira

When we talk about diversity and inclusion, a leader should think all the way through. What should we as leaders attend to first? What are the skills needed to create and promote a safe place to others? In this presentation I'll talk about all that and how leadership can be a key role to increase diversity.

12:10 às 12:45 (GMT-3)
15:10 às 15:45 (GMT)

THINK-ing Big, THINK-ing Diverse, THINK-ing Forward

Grace Jansen

With less than 3% of young female students identifying a career in technology as their first choice, how are we ever going to achieve a diverse workforce and bridge the gender gap that persists in technology careers? But, don?t panic, this can all still change! Learn how even small events can have a lasting impact in encouraging more females into STEM and technology careers and explore how you can get involved to actively make a difference to the diversity of the tech industry.

12:50 às 13:50 (GMT-3)
15:50 às 16:50 (GMT)
Networking e Visitação a Stands

Intervalo para fazer networking e conhecer os estandes do evento.

14:00 às 14:05 (GMT-3)
17:00 às 17:05 (GMT)
Abertura da trilha pela coordenação

Aqui os coordenadores se apresentam e fazem uma introdução para a trilha.

14:10 às 14:45 (GMT-3)
17:10 às 17:45 (GMT)

How to use assistive technology to help deaf elderly people in the healthcare context

Marcelo Ferreira

Assistive technologies(AT) improve people?s productivity, including the telemedicine approach, these technologies aim to promote the participation and engagement of people with some level of disability making them more independent and with a better quality of life. Up to the present moment in the healthcare context, the elements of change and improvement in technology are part of the day-to-day life of hospitals and doctors? offices. Such advances, however, have not been able to bring more urgent impacts on the overall capacity of health systems to provide quality care. In this work we plan study innovative ways to use ATs to aid hearing impaired elderly people accessing healthcare services.

14:50 às 16:05 (GMT-3)
17:50 às 19:05 (GMT)

How can I bring in more diversity in my company?

Csilla Szanto / Maria Augusta Bastos Torres
Digital panel of this track
16:10 às 16:25 (GMT-3)
19:10 às 19:25 (GMT)
Networking e Visitação a Stands

Intervalo para fazer networking e conhecer os estandes do evento.

16:25 às 17:00 (GMT-3)
19:25 às 20:00 (GMT)

The (in)accessible world of digital games

Virgínia Fernandes Mota

Accessibility means avoiding unnecessary barriers that prevent people with a range of impairments from accessing or enjoying your output. Accessibility of computer games is a challenge and overall underestimated. This presentation aims to show how it is possible to create games that are accessible to blind or severely visually impaired, and deaf or severely hearing-impaired individuals. Using the C# language and the Unity game engine, or even Python language, this lecture will show how it is possible to create games that are accessible in a simple way and to promote awareness about accessibility.

17:05 às 17:40 (GMT-3)
20:05 às 20:40 (GMT)

Why You Should Adopt an Open-Source Code of Conduct

Reza Rahman

Technology communities almost by definition need to be open, welcoming, diverse, and inclusive to do the most good for the most amount of people. Yet without adequate checks and balances technology communities have an unfortunate tendency to be anything but ? especially for people on the wrong side of power dynamics such as women and minorities.

Adopting a well-developed Open-Source Code of Conduct such as the Contributor Covenant is a key tool in countering this problem. In this introductory session we will cover what Open-Source Codes of Conduct are, what they seek to accomplish, what makes a good one and why you should adopt one in your project, community, event, group or even company.

17:45 às 18:20 (GMT-3)
20:45 às 21:20 (GMT)

Being Successful with ADHD

Kellyn Gorman

Information Technology has one of the highest concentrations of diagnosed ADHD found in business today. Understanding why the industry is attractive to those with a more neuro-diverse mindset, along with tips and tools to turn the second "D" from Disorder to Dynamic!

We'll discuss the data, the benefits and opportunities of ADHD and proven ways to be more successful as someone with this mindset or if you have the opportunity to manage this dynamic type of individual.

Attendees will leave with information around why challenges exist, how to best address them and tools to help work around what may be hindering their success.

18:25 às 18:45 (GMT-3)
21:25 às 21:45 (GMT)

Após a apresentação de resultados do dia, no palco da Stadium, muitos sorteios fecharão o dia.

Programação sujeita a alterações
áudio somente em inglês Time Zone: GMT-3


Apoio Mídia

Apoio Institucional

Apoio Trilha
