Building Software in the Connected World


Explore current challenges, lessons learned and upcoming challenges for Microservices architectures

For the past few years we all have been hearing about Microservices and its benefits, like scalability, maintainability and usability. The complexities around this formerly "buzz word" are so interesting and impactful, that they deserve to be explored at its deepest in its own conference track.

Breaking down a legacy, monolith API into many smaller independent domain-oriented APIs it's definitely a challenge, but it might also be a game-changer for a project or even a company. But, do the complexities outweigh the benefits as more and more applications are using Microservices, we are also hearing some of its downsides.

In this track you will learn more about lessons learned from international speakers sharing their knowledge and helping you to be better prepared for the challenges ahead. We are going to address the main hassles of a complex ecosystem, such as orchestration and integration, resilience and security, monitoring and observability. compliance and more.

Data e Local

Quinta-feira, 10 de Junho de 2021

09h às 19h GMT-3



Para brasileiros, em R$:
1 trilha: de R$ 145 por R$ 110
2 trilhas: de R$ 290 por R$ 198
3 trilhas: de R$ 435 por R$ 285
* preço válido até 26/04, veja tabela completa

Para brasileiros, em R$:
1 trilha: de R$ 145 por R$ 130
2 trilhas: de R$ 290 por R$ 230
3 trilhas: de R$ 435 por R$ 330
* preço válido até 28/05, veja tabela completa

Para brasileiros, em R$:
1 trilha: R$ 145
2 trilhas: de R$ 290 por R$ 260
3 trilhas: de R$ 435 por R$ 370
* preço válido até 10/06, veja tabela completa

Para estrangeiros, em US$:
1 trilha: $30 por $20 USD
Connect Pass: $80 por $60 USD
* preço válido até 08/05

Para estrangeiros, em US$:
1 trilha: $30 por $25 USD
Connect Pass: $80 por $70 USD
* preço válido até 01/06

Para estrangeiros, em US$:
1 trilha: $30 USD
Connect Pass: $60 USD
* preço válido até 10/06

Como se inscrever

Programação / Palestras Time Zone: GMT-3

Horário Conteúdo
10:15 às 10:45 (GMT-3)
13:15 às 13:45 (GMT)

TDC Opening

At International Stadium with Yara Senger
10:50 às 11:25 (GMT-3)
13:50 às 14:25 (GMT)

Designing cloud-native microservices using patterns

Felix Coutinho

Cloud-native applications are a collection of small, independent, and loosely coupled services. How can you as a developer or an architect design microservices that comply with this definition? And more, how can you do this using industry-level design patterns such as fanout, mat-view, observability, CQRS?

The intent of this talk is to give real-world examples and feed the participants with confidence that cloud-native microservices are possible to implement since you design them properly.

11:30 às 12:05 (GMT-3)
14:30 às 15:05 (GMT)

Kubernetes Native Java with MicroProfile and Quarkus

Roberto Cortez

Java doesn't work well in a container on Kubernetes right? Too big? Too slow to start? Not anymore with Quarkus! Quarks significantly reduces the container resource requirements for memory and startup, while still supporting standard API's like Eclipse MicroProfile.

12:10 às 12:45 (GMT-3)
15:10 às 15:45 (GMT)

Live coding: Configuring your cloud-native applications with MicroProfile Config

Emily Jiang

You might have heard of 12Factor about externalising your configuration for your Cloud Native Applications. How? Come to this session to find out. The live demo will showcase various ways to configure your microservices via the amazing features introduced in MicroProfile Config 2.0, including config profile, config properties, variable replacement and many more.

12:50 às 13:50 (GMT-3)
15:50 às 16:50 (GMT)
Networking e Visitação a Stands

Intervalo para fazer networking e conhecer os estandes do evento.

14:00 às 14:05 (GMT-3)
17:00 às 17:05 (GMT)
Abertura da trilha pela coordenação

Aqui os coordenadores se apresentam e fazem uma introdução para a trilha.

14:10 às 14:45 (GMT-3)
17:10 às 17:45 (GMT) for control of BioSecurity protocols - Covid19

Jose Diaz

ConsultApp is a BioSecurity protocol control application for employees and clients.

ConsultApp allows you to carry out a self-assessment, to rule out possible symptoms of COVID-19 and give you immediate assistance, if necessary. In its first Phase it was born only for Peruvian Pharmacies. In a second phase, it was extended to the entire Intercorp Group of Peru (80 companies) It is available on the Web and Google Play. We are going to see how using API, Micro services, Cloud and its tools we can get an application of this type in less than 30 days.

14:50 às 16:05 (GMT-3)
17:50 às 19:05 (GMT)

Microservices is not a Silver Bullet: Let's explore its Benefits and Challenges!

YK Chang / Emily Jiang
Painel digital dessa trilha | Digital panel of this track
16:10 às 16:25 (GMT-3)
19:10 às 19:25 (GMT)
Networking e Visitação a Stands

Intervalo para fazer networking e conhecer os estandes do evento.

16:25 às 17:00 (GMT-3)
19:25 às 20:00 (GMT)

Slice your business into functions and events

Maciej Swiderski

Various organizations started to look into serverless as a way of building business logic that can take advantage of the cloud. As it might look at first, it's not an easy task to rely strictly on functions that represent independent logic pieces. There is a risk of losing the big picture and by that not having full control over day to day operations. In this session, Maciej will introduce you to Workflow as a Function Flow concept that builds up on top of state of the art technologies such as Microprofile, CloudEvents, and KNative Eventing to deliver a highly scalable business oriented solution that looks like a single service but runs as a set of functions.

17:05 às 17:40 (GMT-3)
20:05 às 20:40 (GMT)

Using microservices to optimize infrastructure costs on comparing biological sequences

Flávio Henrique Moura Stakoviak / Douglas José Araujo

The intensive use of machine resources by certain software represents an obstacle to the development of research since the cost and complexity of the infrastructure implementation generate risks that can result in high costs for the project, due to the sub-optimized allocation of the infrastructure for the execution of these applications. This presentation shows an approach to the usage of microservices on improving the execution cost of biological sequences comparisons with the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) which is the most used tool by researchers to identify sequences of nucleotides or similar proteins on a genetic database.

17:45 às 18:20 (GMT-3)
20:45 às 21:20 (GMT)

Change Data Streaming Patterns in Distributed Systems

Gunnar Morling / Hans-Peter Grahsl

Microservices are one of the biggest trends in software engineering: organising functionality in self-contained, loosely coupled services lets teams make the most suitable technical decisions and react quickly to new requirements.

In this session we'll discuss how change data capture (CDC) with Debezium can help developers with challenges they face when working on microservices. Join us to learn how to:

  • Employ the outbox pattern for reliable data exchange between microservices
  • Gradually extract microservices from existing monolithic applications with the strangler fig pattern
  • Coordinate long-running business transactions across multiple services using CDC-based saga orchestration
18:25 às 18:45 (GMT-3)
21:25 às 21:45 (GMT)

Após a apresentação de resultados do dia, no palco da Stadium, muitos sorteios fecharão o dia.

Programação sujeita a alterações
áudio somente em inglês Time Zone: GMT-3



Apoio Trilha

Apoio Mídia
